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There’s no secret – the simplest things are often the best, says nutritionist Dr John Briffa, if we want to feel good all year round. 1 Eat ‘primally’ Common sense dictates that the best diet is one based on foods we’ve been eating the longest in terms of our time on this planet. These are the foods that we’ve evolved to eat and are best adapted to. Studies show that a ‘primal’ diet made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, as well as meat, fish and eggs, is best for weight control and improvement in risk markers for illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. This ‘go primal’ food philosophy will enable you to cut through the marketing hype and dietary misinformation, and allow you to make healthy food choices quickly and confidently……. Click the picture below for the full article.
I can still remember now some 45 years later, the efforts of my parents at getting me to memorize what we called “times tables.” We used tools, songs and other methods to help me learn multiplication tables. “One times two is two. Two times two is four. Three times two is six.” And on and on we went for hours until I had them down. And to this day, when I am stuck on a real life math problem, I find myself reciting the “times tables” to help me remember. Years later when I was serving as a volunteer on a church mission, I had the daunting task of memorizing “discussions” verbatim that could be used to teach religious principles to those hoping to learn. It was among the most difficult things I have ever done, but the lessons I learned as a child helped me tackle it successfully. Click the picture below for the full article.
Balancing games encourage the development of gross motor skills through practice. Gross motor skills include big movements involving the muscles of the arms, legs, torso and feet, according to the Baby Center website. Gross motor activities include actions such as running, jumping or hopping. You can encourage your child’s healthy development by teaching him to play fun and easy balancing games such as Hopscotch.   Click the picture below for the full article.  
In South Korea, the first birthday of a child is a very special event: It’s where the Doljabi ceremony takes place. Traditionally, this predicts the child’s future with a strong emphasis on his or her career path. The specifics of the ceremony can be modified, but it’s important to include a diverse mix of Doljabi items. Whatever item the child grabs first from a plate indicates their future career, for example a paintbrush means they’ll be an artist, a magnifying glass a scientist, or won (money) means they’ll make a lot of money. Obviously, the parents really encourage their child to choose whatever they consider the “best” Doljabi item, which is often money, books (to become a scholar) or other serious pursuits. While today the ceremony is mostly just for tradition and a bit of fun, the South Koreans are really making a showcase over something every parent wonders about. What will your child be when they grow up? You don’t need a Doljabi ceremony to figure out the tell tale signs that your child may be made to be an entrepreneur. Here are six signs you might want to encourage that path.   Click the picture below for the full article.
It’s no secret that working out keeps you younger—both in terms of the energy you have and your physical ability to keep doing the things you love. “Fitness is a youth serum,” says physical therapist and fitness expert Maureen Hagan. “Fitness affects how youthful you look, the way you move, and your ability to do whatever you want, whenever.” Hagan has been training clients for more than 20 years with a focus on active aging, and is also a regularly published research reviewer on the same topic. This past weekend at the IDEA World Fitness Convention, Hagan presented the healthy aging secrets she’s learned from both practice and clinical research. Don’t worry, we’re not about to overhaul your favorite workout. No matter how old you are or what you like to do for exercise, you can use Hagan’s secrets to move better, protect yourself from injury, and feel younger.   Click the picture below for the full article.  
So many of us work hard every day and feel like we can barely get through it without needing some sort of energy boost. We tend to turn to sugar for a quick pick-me-up, but that’s really doing more harm than good. Many people don’t realize that the sluggish and even bloated feeling we get during the day can be the result of excess toxins in the body. Detox drinks help to naturally reduce inflammation, boost energy, support digestion, cleanse the liver and promote healthy skin.   Click the picture below for the full article.  
Spring is the perfect time to start a fitness program. After all that winter comfort food and hibernating indoors, our bodies could use a post-winter boost. If you want to put fitness first as the weather warms up, we’re here to help. We’ve put together a few must-try tips for losing weight and feeling great this season. 1 Find an activity you love There’s no better way to give yourself a post-winter boost than to get active in a way that doesn’t feel like a burden. Grumbling your way to the gym every day will get old fast (trust us), so before you sabotage your fitness goals with a humdrum workoutroutine, do some experimenting. Try an outdoor boot camp at your local park (look for advertisements as the weather warms up, or look online for nearby options) or a new class at your gym, or sign up for a sport you love but haven’t played in a while. The more fun working out feels, the more motivated you’ll be to burn calories. 2 Get outside Now that it’s (finally) nice out, you have the option of moving your fitness routine outdoors — an excellent way to keep things interesting. Whether you start […]